The "Women of the Wall" project was inspired by two prominent women's rights organizations in Israel and worldwide. These organizations work to change social attitudes toward women and improve their legal and religious status.

Credits: Photographer Amir Lichtenstein Model Nitzan Opal Abutbul Make-up and hair Shirley Kahalani Model Pants Zara
The "Women of the Wall" collection is based on the spirit and determination of these movements and reflects a commitment to women's rights and the ongoing struggle for equality and freedom.
The inspiration for the design of the collection comes from the fashion period of the suffragettes and orthodox Jewish clothing.

The suffragist movement was a women's movement that operated at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century in England and the United States, and advocated the right of women to vote - a right that was not recognized at that time.
The "Women of the Western Wall" movement is dedicated to achieving freedom of prayer for women who wish to engage in non -Orthodox worship at the Western Wall in Israel. The group was founded in the late 1980s after women tried to pray at the Western Wall but were forbidden to wear a tallit and use Torah scrolls instead or bring their own Torah scrolls.